Whats On In London March 2013

Whats on In London March 2013?

March is the beginning of spring and, Daffodils start to appear in the London parks, birds begin to sing and the evenings start to get lighter, you can feel the city take a deep breath in.

March also celebrated Mothers Day on the 10th and Easter at the end of the month. So there is no better time to treat the ones you love to a great day out in London. With restaurants, shows and wonderful museums to visit you are spoilt for choice.

It can still be rather chilly though so keep those jumpers on and the umbrella at the ready just in case.


Whats On In London March 2013

New London Museums Exhibitions and Events

virtual autopsy britidh museum Oramics to Electronica at the Science Museum london sensational butterflies at the Natural History Museum

British Museum

Ice Age art

Science Museum


Natural History Museum

Sensational Butterflies

Titanic Remembered, national Maritime Museum London Cecil Beation Theatre of war Doctores Dissection adn the ressurection Men at the London Museum

National Maritime Museum

Ansel Adams

Imperial War Museum

Closed until July 2013

London Museum

Micheal Caine

The Serco Prize for Illustration 2012 Extraordinary Things at the design museum london Obsession exhibition at the Jewish Museum London

London Transport Museum

Poster Art

Design Museum

Extraordinary Things

Jewish Museum


body adornment, Horniman Museum London ceramics in the city, geffrye Museum London Collecting Cultures at the GArden Museum

Horniman Museum

Amazon Adventures

Geffrye Museum

No New Exhibition at present

Garden Museum


An Inland Voyage at the Canal Museum Happy Birthday Mr Punch fact and fiction exhibition, cuming museum london

Canal Museum

An Inland Voyage

Museum Of Childhood

A Treasured Collection

Cuming Museum

Birds and Beasts

Souzou the wellcome collection Hunterian Museum fan museum

Wellcome Collection


Hunterian Museum

No New until May 2013

Fan Museum

The Fan in Europe

Trog Cartoon Museum London Athletes and olympians, Royal Airforce Museum London Huguenot Lagacy

Cartoon Museum


Royal Air Force Museum

Fresh Air

Bank of England Museum

Huguenot Legacy

Top London Events - Whats On In London March 2013

Tiger Tracks

Tiger Tracks

St Pancras International has tiger themed activities including music, entertainment and a photographic exhibition for three weeks

. Many of the bars, restaurants and shops at the magnificent train station are taking part so look out for promotions and events that all the family can take part in

of monstyers and men

Of Monsters And Men

Soothing harmonies from the successful Icelandic sextet

5th, 6th and 7th March 2013

Shepherd's Bush Empire, Shepherd's Bush Green, London, W12 8TT

women of world festival

Women of the World Festival

The formidable power of women is celebrated in this week long festival.

6th to 10th Mar 2013

Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road, South Bank, London, SE1 8XX

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